Wallerawang Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity, Success

Telephone02 6355 1210


Our staff

Wallerawang PS staff are committed to the learning and wellbeing of every student. 

Our staffing allocation reflects our school culture, ranging from early career to expert teachers. 

Staff are positioned across the school strategically and reflects our student centred culture of students learning to high standards and teachers teaching to high standards given the right time and assistance. 

The Leadership Team focuses on excellence in teaching, learning and leading, with instructional leadership in reading and numeracy. The team works collaboartively across the school focusing on the purpose of our schools strategic directions and our improvement measures. Ensuring every student can achieve to high standards given the right assistance. 

The Administration Staff and School Learning Support Officers enhance the culture of the school in many and varied roles as a student centred school. 

The staff work collaboratively and have shared responsibility and accountability to improvement and achievement of every student. 
