Wallerawang School has a highly regarded educational reputation in the local area with a current enrolment of over 300 students. There is a strong network of schools, early childhood providers and communities across the Lithgow area and these networks make for a welcoming and friendly school community.
A broad and successful range of programs in the arts and sport complement strong emphasis on quality teaching programs across all key learning areas that focus on skill development in literacy and numeracy.
The school draws children from all walks of life with the community of Wallerawang currently experiencing high unemployment, further job losses from the mining and electrical generation industries pending and limited growth in terms of town population for many years now.
The School has established the following areas of priority: the new Australian Curriculum implementation, literacy, numeracy, quality teaching, student engagement and wellbeing, community engagement, staff professional learning, developmental programs for children with special needs and positive behaviour management initiatives.
Various innovative programs are offered by the highly qualified, experienced and committed staff. There is a strong Learning Support Team that develops personalised learning plans for students with specialised learning needs.
There has been a gradual increase in enrolments over the past 10 years, with 12 classroom teaching positions now in place, 3 of which attract an Assistant Principal position.
The school boasts a modern facility featuring twelve air conditioned spacious classrooms, a large modern library (incorporating a networked computer lab and video conferencing facility), tiered learning area, special programs room, school hall, outdoor games court, fixed equipment area, grassed play area and sports field along with a two court multi-purpose indoor sports stadium, all set in a picturesque rural setting overlooking Lake Wallace. Community involvement has been vital in contributing to the success of the school.
General School Organisation
The School Year
The school year is divided into four terms of approximately ten weeks each. During the year the school has five School Development Days (student free), when teachers meet to evaluate and develop the school curriculum. You will be notified well in advance of these days and are requested to cooperate with the school in keeping your child at home on these days.
School hours
Normal school hours: 9.10 - 3:00
• Arrival at school: 8:40 - 9:10
• Morning Recess: 11.10 - 11.35
• Lunch Break (supervised eating): 1.05 - 1.20
• Lunch (playtime): 1:20 - 1:45
The school office is open from 8.40am to 3.15pm daily
Early Morning Arrangements
Parents are asked to ensure that children do not arrive before 8.40am as teachers are not on duty before this time.
Walkers and bike riders are to cross Barton Avenue at the crossing under the instruction of the crossing supervisor.
Afternoon Departure
Teachers are rostered for bus duty after school to supervise the departure of buses, walkers and bike riders.
Car Travellers: Children picked up from school must be met inside the school grounds and escorted to waiting cars. No entry to the bus bay is permitted for private vehicles between 8:30 - 9:30am and 2:30 - 3:30pm. Parents parking in Barton Avenue must use the supervised crossing when picking up children.
Bike Riders and Walkers: Only children in Primary Grades are encouraged to ride bicycles or scooters to school. There are storage racks available for the bikes and scooters during the day - outside the COLA near the Canteen. The wearing of helmets is compulsory by law. Bike and scooter riders and walkers are walked across Barton Avenue before the buses have departed by a teacher.
Bus Travellers: Pupils travelling home by bus are supervised in bus lines until the last bus has left.
See Bus Travel for more information, including timetables.
A newsletter is sent home every Thursday in the even weeks. It is usually given to the youngest child at school in each family. You can also choose to download the current newsletter. Copies of notes or newsletters are available from the Notes tab if your child was absent on the day the notes were sent home.
Parent Interviews
Pupils are provided with a written report on academic and social development each semester. Two formal opportunities are provided throughout the year for Parent/Teacher interviews in Terms 1 and 4.
The Assistant Principals, and teachers are available for pre-arranged interviews at the parent's request, however, prior arrangements must be made for a mutually suitable time. The Principal is also available for appointments. Contact the school office to arrange a suitable time.
School Assemblies are a regular part of the School's program. A whole school, K-6 Assembly is held in the hall once a fortnight on Friday morning, starting at 9:15 am. The Assemblies are conducted by our student leaders and regularly include student items. Parents and visitors are welcome to attend.
Academic Awards
Awards for Academic Achievement are presented each week at assembly. These awards reflect the quality of academic work achieved by our students and are intended to reward and showcase their work on a regular basis. Parents are advised of the award and invited to attend the presentation of certificates at assembly.
Pupils may also receive Merit Awards during class activities. When five Merit Awards are received these may be submitted to the Front Office to enable the presentation of an Honour Award at the next School Assembly.
Student Emergency Cards
On enrolment and each following Autumn you will receive a Student Emergency Card to be completed and returned to the classroom teacher as soon as possible. The information on these cards is used in case of illness or accident at school and is vitally important to the welfare of your child. If a child is sick or injured whilst at school you will be contacted if possible. If you are unavailable at the numbers listed then we will follow the instructions as shown on the emergency card. Your snow day emergency plan and your child's medical history is also included on this card.
It is therefore very important that you contact the office as soon as possible to advise of any changes to your details. Please inform us of changes such as phone number, address, emergency contacts etc.
If medication is to be administered to your child at school, special arrangements can be made after the appropriate indemnity forms are completed.
Our School Administration Officer in charge of first aid is responsible for administering medication and all medications should be handed in at the front office upon arrival at school.
In consultation with parents, the school prepares detailed Health Care Plans for all students with specific health care needs.
The school has ambulance cover and will call for medical support when the First Aid Officer / Principal decides that further specialist treatment is required.
The law requires that every child of school age will attend school every day the school is open. If your child is absent from school we require a reason for the absence upon his/her return to school.
Fruit Break
Wallerawang is a Crunch n Sip School and all students take part in a 'fruit break' during the morning session. Students are encouraged to bring a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable to school, and a bottle of water to consume in the classroom.