Welcome to Wallerawang Public School.
Wallerawang Public School is student - centred, with a focus on high expectations through a culture of collaborative practice. Collectively as a school and wider community we have a shared responsibility to ensure that every student has a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy and are equipped as digital citizens. Every student is known, valued and cared for in an inclusive and culturally safe environment with students engaged in learning and prepared for their future as creative and critical thinkers.
Wallerawang Public School is located in regional NSW and a part of Regional North and West Directorate and the Lithgow Network of schools.
It is set in a picturesque location, opposite the increasingly popular Lake Wallace used as a recreation location for locals and visitors.
The village traditionally is centred on coal mining and power generation, but through a skilled workforce there will continue to be transition to a sustainable future.
The school has a proud history and has occupied three sites, all of these are represented at the current school site through the school landscape and creative representations, acknowledged as we look forward in planning for the future. We have a strong community focus represented through the Wallerawang/Lidsdale P&C association and the individual, committees, businesses, organisations and companies that actively support the school to enhance student learning and wellbeing. There is community connectedness through a culturally safe, inclusive and equitable school environment.
We have a current enrolment of 224 students, this includes 29% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Student voice is represented across the school and this contributes significantly to students sense of wellbeing, advocacy and success. Students are provided with opportunities in public speaking, debating, creative and performing arts, technology, STEM, sport, academic competitions and external learning experiences including excursions.
Through a strong consultative partnership we are focused on Aboriginal education ensuring equitable outcomes for our Aboriginal students. With a focus on Performance and Development the school is resourced to impact student outcomes.
In 2023 we were honoured to receive the Secretary's Awards for School Achievement for Sustained Growth in Reading Improvement and a Commendation for Outstanding School Inititaive for our work in mathematics using the research and learning of Catherine Attard. This is an acknowledgement to the dedicated staff who make a difference for every student.
I am very proud to lead team Wang!
Jenny Lamborn
Principal, Wallerawang Public School
Leadership Team 2024