Wallerawang Public School

Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity, Success

Telephone02 6355 1210


Primary Athletics Carnival


School families are invited to join us for the Prmary Athletics Carnival on Friday, 20th of May on the school grounds. The carnival will commence from 9:20 a.m and finish by 2.50pm.  The events are competitive with no novelty events. 

Voluntary Assistance is greatly appreciated by our parents/carers for time keeping and to act as officials for field events. 

Students will need to bring:                                                                                                              

        Appropriate athletic footwear (children are not allowed to run bare foot)

        House Colours or school uniform

        Hat and sunscreen (no caps allowed)

        Warm or cool clothes depending on the weather

        Recess, lunch and enough water to drink

        Money for a limited canteen offering lollies, snacks and refreshments (which will be set up in the OLA). Hot food such as sausage rolls, and pies need to pre-ordered to ensure its availability for students, staff and parents.